The work in service organisations has become increasingly invisible in recent years. You used to be able to see the physical cases. They piled up on desks or bookshelves and the orange-yellow mailboxes with letters in the corner of the room.
This is no longer the case. The cases have gone digital, which is a good thing as the digital transformation makes it easier to solve daily tasks, also in a time of Corona, when the home office has become an integral part of the daily work. The consequence is that you become even more dependent on valid data and new tools to ensure visibility on tasks and performance in a workday where people are scattered throughout various locations.
The principles for efficient operations management remain the same; it is only the framework that has changed. You still require a focus on core tasks, to know your main processes and management needs and to have access to critical operational data. It also requires a common standard for good operations management and that your employees are involved in problem-solving and continuous improvements.